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#4 Magic Escape

Ingrid (Norway)

The hammock is light and easy to carry. Hammocks are a good alternative to seat pads, and you only need two trees to get a comfy seating place. In Norway we don't have a lack of trees.           


In everyday life with stress and hustle, a trip with the hammock feels so relaxing. The bright and fine colors on Ticket to the Moon hammocks, makes it easy to take fine photos.


My best experience with a hammock, is when I was sleeping outside last year. The camp was on a viewpoint with a amazing sunset. The next morning i was awakened by a grouse, that was running next to the camp. I recommend to bring a good sleeping pad and a good sleeping bag, if you're going to sleep outside. But the hammock was a awesome bed and i slept like a child.


I also have good experiences just to bring the hammock in my immediate area. Coffee drinking the sun, wine drinking in the sunset or book reading next to the campfire. 


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#3 Rhine Valley Felix & Patrick (Germany) My name is Felix, I am 34 years old Hiking Blogger from Cologne Germany. Together with my pal Patrick (also from Cologne) we hike a lot and post artic...

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Hammock Camping Tips & Hacks for Beginners

Hammock Camping Tips & Hacks for Beginners Up until a couple of years ago, the typical camping trip involved erecting a tent and sleeping in it. However, in recent years hammocks have immensely gained...

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